Branching Out 1992

Spring 1992

Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Past Presidents “Christmas Tea” 

A celebration was held to mark the 20th anniversary of preliminary planning in 1971 that lead to the creation of Grand River Branch in 1973 with eight members.  The Past Presidents outlined the highlights of each year, culminating in a membership of 209 and the successful publication of Loyalist Families of Members of Grand River Branch.

A traditional tea table, with Christmas decorations featuring a cake with Loyalist Families – Upper Canada Bicentennial – 1791-1991 in red, white and blue icing, honoured publication of the Branch’s book.  The First Past President, Dr. Vera Vanderlip and the Past President, Irene MacCrimmon, presided at the silver rea services.

Copies of Loyalist Families are still available at $55.00 plus $5.00 shipping from Kathleen Pasnyk. The Branch contemplates a Volume II of Loyalist Families.

Submitted by Doris Lemon, President, Grand River Branch

Fall 1992

Grand River Branch 

Our branch gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Ministry of Culture and Communications for the on-going outreach/education/display programs of the Branch.  This year $856 was received through the Ministry’s Heritage Organization Development Grant.

This year the Branch donated to Loyalist Library adding to Norfolk’s Historical Society’s collection; $450 for plantings at Loyalist Lane at the Tanquanyah Nature Centre; 8 copies of our book Loyalist Families of Members of the Grand River Branch to the National Library, The Chief Herald, The Ontario Historical Society, The Ontario Genealogical Society, The Library of Congress USA, Dominion Headquarters UEL, and the Branch’s display.

Dr. Rosemarie Kennaley and daughter Sarah Lemon, granddaughter of Grand River President Doris Lemon, chat with the Simcoes at re-enactment of their landing. 

In its on-going outreach program the Branch; circulated 260 copies of our newsletters to libraries, display Branch books and materials at several Heritage Fairs; members appeared in costume at different events including the re-enactment of the landing of Lt. Gov. Simcoe; donated a memorial book to Loyalist Library, Eva Brook Donly in memory of member Walter Rutherford.

Meeting Highlights

Ian Bell, UE, Curator, Norwich Museum, discussed early Ontario musical instruments; Bill Yeager, UE, Curator, Eva Brook Donly Museum, talked about the new herb garden at Eva Brook Donly; John Aikman, UE, spoke on the history of Crooks Hollow and the Loyalist Connection.  Mrs. Helene Weaver outlined Billy Bishop’s Loyalist ancestor and members toured the Bishop home in Owen Sound which is being prepared as a museum.

To mark the celebration of Canada’s 125th birthday, the branch planted two sweet chestnut trees at Loyalist Lane at Taquanyah, hoping to reintroduce the tree which was considered most important to Ontario, after the white pine, for food and furniture.  A crokinole tournament followed.  Besides some picnics, an executive retreat was hosted by treasurer, Mrs. Kathleen Pasnyk and President Doris Lemon, with their husbands, near Tobermory. 

Grand River Branch members responded well to the endowment fund and the “I Care” appeal.

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