Branching Out 1996

Spring 1996

Grand River Branch

Our Branch invites all UEs to: 12 May 1996 – 1:00pm Branch Display.  2:00pm Speaker, Mrs. Dorothy Duncan, Executive Director, Ontario Historical Society. Topic: Loyalists of New Brunswick. Fort George, Discovery Room, Niagara-on-the-Lake.  [This follows the Col. John Butler Bicentennial History Conference.]  The Fort George Librarian plans to open records for our research. Costumes may be worn.  Fort admission $3.00.  

Norfolk Roots? – 16 June 1996 – 2:00pm Branch Display. 2:30 Speaker: Mrs. Sheila Hastie of the 175th Anniversary Committee. Topic: History of St. John’s Anglican Church, Woodhouse.  The Branch will present an Old Union Flag for permanent display in the church to honour Loyalist Founders.  Costumes are requested.  Pot-luck buffet picnic supper follows in Parish Hall. Bring main course, salad or dessert, plate and cutlery.  St. John’s Anglican Church, Woodhouse.  From Simcoe south on Highway 24 to corner Regional Road 3 (St. John’s Road).

21 July 1996 – Vittoria Bicentennial. 

[The town’s Homecoming Weekend celebration is July 12-14.] 

Grand River Branch will meet July 21, 2:00 pm Branch Display – 2:30 Lacac Walking Tour of Historic Vittoria.  Potluck buffet picnic supper follows.  Bring main course, salad or dessert, plate and cutlery.

22 Sept 1996, 2:00pm Display 2:30pm Meeting 

Grand River Branch will co-host with Wellington County Historical Society, as part of special exhibit of the 22nd International Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry, Heraldry: Symbols of Your History.  This is an illustrated presentation by Rev. David Bowyer, Anglican Minister, Cambridge, Member Heraldry Society of Canada. U.E.L.A. armorial bearings will be on display.  Wellington County Museum, Fergus. 

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