Branching Out 2002

Spring 2002

Grand River Branch

In its education/outreach program, the Branch donated $300.00 to Norfolk Historical Society for the purchase of Loyalist research books for Loyalist Library in the Eva Brook Donly Museum, Simcoe, and a memorial book in memory of deceased members, Ron Smith, Velma Dubrick and John Askin. 

July — Boy Scout Rally, Backus Conservation Area. Robert McCarey, Fritz Reeves and his UE grandson, spoke to 450 Boy Scouts about Loyalist history and wrote with quill pens. 

In September, Jim Sweet and Eleanor Chapin took the display to the Paris Fair and assisted people in their search for Loyalist ancestors. 

Doris Lemon presented the dramatization of Mary Titus Williams to approximately 150 members of the Professional & Business Retirees Club of Waterloo; and to the Study Group at Glen Acres Baptist Church, Waterloo; and to Seniors in Luther Village, Waterloo, and Holstein, Ontario.  Fred Hayward, Bill Terry, Carol Terry, Doris Wilson and Doris Lemon presented Loyalist talks to two Grade Seven classes in Norfolk County.  President Bill then presented a flag to Norfolk Historical Society for the pole in front of Eva Brook Donly Museum in the heart of the Loyalist Long Point Settlement. We attended, in costume, with a display at Backus Conservation Area for Battle Reenactments of the War of 1812. 

Robert McCarey designed two panels: One shows historic markers in Norfolk County; the other shows flags and points of Loyalist interest. 

Doris Lemon designed a banner and display panel that gives Loyalist history as set out on the five panels in the display in Eva Brook Donly Museum, Simcoe.  It also shows pictures of our ten largest Education/Outreach projects. 

Loyalist Dolls — boy and girl — in period costume. $60.00 each. We commissioned a Mennonite craftsperson to create dolls for teaching tools to Grade 7 classes.  They are passed around the class and add to the quill pen writing experience and overhead picture presentation. 

A plastic banner was designed, created and donated by David Hood, UE, descendant of Jonathan Williams, who owns Images and Signs in Collingwood.  It will stretch between hydro poles or attach to railings, etc.  The Branch appreciates this generous donation. 

The December 7th farewell reception for The Hon. Hilary M. Weston, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, in Toronto, hosted by the Loyal Societies of Ontario, was attended by Grand River members: President Robert McCarey and Dominion President William Terry. 

One of the most interesting programs of the year was Dr. Paul Tanser’s presentation “Other Causes of the American Revolution.” 

The Branch is actively preparing for the 2002 Dominion Conference in Waterloo.  The tours of Mennonite Country in Waterloo County and to Loyalist Settlement in the Long Point area, special speakers on history, Ian Wilson, Canadian Archivist, and David Moore of Appleby College and the German Oktoberfest evening, will be of special interest.  We invite all UEs to attend!

Fall 2002

Grand River 

On February Heritage day, our display was in Fairview Plaza, Kitchener. 

In April, President Robert McCarey UE, and Cathy Thompson UE presented the Teachers Resource to Evelyn Runions, Heritage Programmer at Backus Mill.  Later, on June 2nd, the 1798 working Backus Mill was officially designated a National Historic Site.  Dominion President Bill Terry UE, Branch President Robert McCarey UE and daughters April and Amy UE, and Cathy Thompson UE attended the ceremony with National Park Service and government representatives.  This tied in nicely with Conference 2002. 

Elizabeth Richardson UE spoke at the June meeting at St. John’s Anglican Church, Woodhouse. 

Doris Lemon also spoke at the Bonisteel-Beirose Reunion where she let these families know about their Loyalist connections. 

Doris Wilson UE has written Sarah ‘s Diary, and generously donated the proceeds to the Norfolk Historical Society and Grand River Branch. 

Grand River Branch nominates members for Ontario Volunteer Service Awards and Culver Leclerc, aged 8 was nominated for her costumed presentations in schools. 

Grand River Branch was happy to host the UELAC Conference 2002 in Waterloo.  We arranged for the presentation of the Loyalist flag and plaque at Backus Mill, and wreath laying ceremonies at the graves of Samuel Ryerse, founder of Port Ryerse, and Joseph Brant at the Mohawk Chapel. 

Doris Lemon UE

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