
For assistance with joining the Grand River Branch please contact Membership Chair, Janet Parsons, by email using the address  

Membership includes:

  • two issues of the Loyalist Gazette;
  • invitation to meetings, many of which are hybrid
  • our branch newsletter (time permitting)
  • Upon request – U.E. application and access to genealogist for assistance 

The UELAC publishes Loyalist Trails, a weekly email newsletter for Members and friends containing a variety of information items from the Branches, various Committees and others with common interests.

Membership fees:

  • $55 per annum for individuals (after July 1 – $35)
  • $85 per annum for a family living at the same residence (after July 1, $57.50)
  • $30 per annum for Student (after July 1, $20)

New Members can join online at Grand River Branch UELAC Membership

Looking to renew your membership? Follow the instructions found under Membership Renewals

Come join us as we celebrate and perpetuate our
Canadian Loyalist history and heritage.